TI-Basic Games
These games are all made for and on TI 84 plus CE, and can be put onto your calculator using
TI Connect CE. If you only have a TI 84 plus SE (which only has binary pixels and has a smaller resolution), the platformers will almost work, but the text based adventures don't work. If you want to learn how to use TI-Basic, check out
TIBasicDev (though since wikidot's search feature is broken it may make more sense to use Google's after going through the basics).
Additionally, pressing the On button will force any TI Basic program to close instantly.
Each of these games will only use at most the 2nd button (for jump) and the arrow keys (for movement). Additionally, the arrow keys are programmed weird so they only register as being held about a second after first being pressed. Because of this, games controlled with the arrow keys play weird.
Additionally, playing any of these will mess up some of your variables and set your graph resolution to -10, 10 for both axises. Also, each of these games should be closed by pressing Enter so that the graph isn't messed up even more.
This is the first game i made on TI-Basic and all of the other platformers i made are built off of this game.